
NetWatchâ„¢ Proactive Video Monitoring

Providing year-round, Optic-Based AI Security, NetWatch Proactive Video Monitoring is a purpose-built platform designed to stop crimes before they happen. NetWatch personalized audio responses stop the crime 98% of the time.

NetWatch Proactive Video Monitoring (PVM) is the best way to prevent crimes from occurring. Teams of highly trained Intervention Specialists receive alerts when unusual activity is detected by the filtering software. They can then act, providing a real-time audio warning to the intruder and often causing them to flee the scene, stopping the crime before it happens. Intervention Specialists can also provide continuing, real-time support to authorities. Best-in-class NetWatch Monitoring Centers offer geo-diversity to ensure continuous vigilance of your assets with total redundancy. If a storm knocks out power to one monitoring center, your service can continue without disruption.


1. Monitor Intelligent software detects a threat. The NetWatch platform connects to your video surveillance system, accompanied by the use of computer vision software analytics to detect unauthorized activity. Once unauthorized activity is detected, an alert is sent within seconds to an Intervention Specialist at a NetWatch Monitoring Center.

Experts assess and verify the threat. Once an alert is received, the Intervention Specialist evaluates the situation over a live video feed, determining the threat level and taking action.

2. Intervene Warning is given. The Intervention Specialist speaks directly to the intruder with a live audio warning, advising they leave the premises immediately. Hearing this personalized warning makes it clear to the criminal that they are being watched and recorded. In 98% of cases, a live warning like this stops the criminal from proceeding. In the small number of cases where they are not deterred, the Intervention Specialist escalates the response.

Policy-based response is executed. Following a set of pre-determined protocols, the Intervention Specialist launches the proper response. Depending on the situation, this may be to notify law enforcement, alert the keyholders, or take another action. With the corrective actions set into motion, the specialist will remain in video and audio contact with the incident until the site has been fully secured.

3. Report Incident reporting done in 24 hours. Incident reporting after a crime is another area where NetWatch PVM offers significant advantages over traditional monitoring. Reporting can be a time-consuming, labor-intensive process with legacy monitoring services. Gaps in evidence or in a timeline caused by the need to piece together the event based on data from diverse sources may also occur. NetWatch creates incident reports within a day and makes them easily available on mobile and web apps.

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