Prevent the Unthinkable…
Shootings Continue to Occur Monthly in the United States.
- If you operate a SCHOOL – Protect your students, faculty and staff.
- If you operate a HOSPITAL – Protect your patients and staff.
You Have Cameras – but they are only as useful / smart as the technology connected to them!
- After disaster strikes, it’s too late to review camera footage.
- Get immediate alerts the second a threat or shooter is present on your property.
Security That’s Smarter
- You really need to detect an intruder or potential shooter before they strike, right?
- With Intellisee from SEICO Security you can.
Today’s latest AI Security technology lets you operate smarter for proactive risk mitigation!
SEICO offers 24/7/365 AI Security Systems to Proactively Shut Down Crime.
With shootings, break-ins, and accidents in schools and medical facilities/hospitals it’s imperative to deploy technology to reduce threats, save lives, and prevent injuries (and workers comp or liability claims*).
*Some insurances offer premium discounts on PC insurance if organization deploys AI Security technology.
- In the US, threats are common in schools and colleges with bomb threats (16.9%), shooting threats (28.2%), and unspecified threats (47.4%), leading the most common reports between 2018 and 2019.
- There were a total of 93 school shootings with casualties at public and private elementary and secondary schools in 2020–21—the highest number since 2000–01.
- The cost of a single Workplace Homicide can be $250,000 to $1 million.
- Workers’ Compensation Claims for slip/fall average $47,516 per claim.
- Violence at medical facilities/hospitals is expensive. In one study, annual employer costs for nurses who sustained workplace violence injuries were $94,156: $78,924 for treatment and $15,232 for indemnity.